2021년 3월 11일 오전 1:59
답변 · 1
哈囉,Eva,因為我嘅粵語唔係幾好,所以我會用英文寫嘢,希望你讀得懂: You can enter your criteria in the teacher search page: Teach English, also speak Cantonese (64): https://www.italki.com/teachers/english?speaks%5B0%5D=chinese%28cantonese%29&page=1 Native English speakers who teach English, also speak Cantonese (29): https://www.italki.com/teachers/english?speaks%5B0%5D=chinese%28cantonese%29&is_native=1 Additionally, I can think of one or two really good italki Cantonese teachers who also teach English. They’re not the cheapest, but their standard British (RP) English would probably pass for native to the American ear in terms of pronunciation and grammar (better than some teachers who claim to be native English speakers). That’s quite amazing. Feel free to message me and I’ll find the links.
2021년 3월 11일
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