I bought 3 pounds of strawberries 🍓 for 10 yuan yesterday.I ate them up twice.Can I say like this?
2021년 4월 12일 오전 3:29
답변 · 10
The first sentence is correct. The second sentence is incorrect. You could say “I ate 2 strawberries” or “I ate 2 crates of strawberries” but you cannot say “I ate them up twice.”
2021년 4월 12일
You can say "I ate them all up in two sittings."
2021년 4월 13일
I guess 'twice' isn't a good measurement even in Chinese. 更确切的说吃了两天,或者两个人吃,或者说一次吃不完可能更合适?That would be I ate it for two days, OR It takes two to finish it. OR I can't finish it in one go
2021년 4월 12일
In the way I understand what you said, I think you had eaten the three pounds just in two rounds
2021년 4월 12일
If you eat something twice, something very bad has happened.
2021년 4월 13일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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