My favourite festival is Eid-ul Fitar, early morning we go to mosque to offer the Eid prayer and then we indulge into different delicious home made dishes. During Eid, my mom used to make different sweat dishes, different meat dishes and Biriyani. We visit to our friends and relatives for their blessings and spend whole day with family and friends.
2022년 2월 20일 오후 10:18
교정 · 1
My favourite festival is Eid-ul Fitar. Early in the morning we go to the mosque to offer the Eid prayer, and then we indulge in various delicious home made dishes. During Eid, my mom used to make various sweet dishes, meat dishes and Biriyani. We visit our friends and relatives to receive their blessings and spend the whole day with family and friends.
2022년 2월 20일
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