Lester Bolor
Hi please help I wanted this to be my wedding song, but was convinced otherwise. All photographs are by the author unless otherwise stated. What is "otherwise" in this sentences. Please help
2024년 10월 10일 오전 6:40
답변 · 2
"I wanted this to be my wedding song, but was convinced otherwise." This is quite an unusual (and high-flown) use of "otherwise". It means what it seems to mean - that the person was convinced to change their mind. I think it's quite elegant, but I'm not sure I have ever used it myself.
2024년 10월 10일 오전 11:56
초대받은 사람
Hi, "or otherwise" means that UNLESS something else is written or stated. Example: I have 10 photos, 1 of which belongs to another photographer. I put them on display. I write that they are all mine except for 1 - "unless otherwise" means - except if (used to introduce the case in which a statement being made is not true or valid). "unless you have a photographic memory, repetition is vital"
2024년 10월 10일 오전 7:13
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