My father is so polite, I’m trying to catch some of his politeness. When he goes to local-traditional market, which usually has elderly sellers, he buys from all coworkers so no one feel bad and lifted. Don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t buy from all sellers in the pazar , but when want to buy a specific thing like a watermelon he take three ones from all sellers talking to on another. He is considerate and kindhearted.
2024년 9월 1일 오후 3:19
교정 · 1
My father is so polite. [new sentence!] I’m trying to catch some of that trait from him. When he goes to a local traditional market, which usually has elderly vendors, he buys from all of the workers so that none feel [subjunctive mood!] bad or ignored. Don’t get me wrong. [new sentence!] He doesn’t buy from every single seller in the bazaar, but when he wants to buy a specific thing, like watermelon, he'll buy three, all from different sellers. He is considerate and kindhearted, and I hope some of that rubs off on me. I'm not sure what you mean by "he take three ones ...." Since he buys 3 watermelons, you can say "watermelon" or "watermelons", but not "a watermelon". Sentences are separated by periods, not commas. If you want to join two sentences into one, use a conjunction.
2024년 9월 1일 오후 8:04
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