How to overcome the insecurity and shyness when you have to speak a foreign language? Even when you’re sure about what to say, but still feel insecure and judged.
2023년 9월 7일 오후 1:34
답변 · 1
How to overcome the insecurity and shyness when you have to speak a foreign language? (How does one overcome the insecurity and shyness when having to speak...) (How do you overcome the insecurity and shyness...) Even when you’re sure about what to say, you still feel insecure and judged. (The 'even' and the 'but' do the same thing). I'm not really sure, but many important people in the world just go for it...famous philosophers, world leaders...They speak badly but confidently. Or practice with understanding people you kind of know.
2023년 9월 8일
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