Ootred 春 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒
Is it true that Italki teachers are able to see which users have checked their profiles?
2022년 11월 7일 오전 2:04
답변 · 4
We can't see every person who views our profiles. But each day, we're shown six potential students who've viewed our profiles. This feature was added about three of four months ago. The heading says "Opportunities" and the subhead says "Invite them to be your students." I've never contacted any students this way, but I have gotten messages similar to the one you received from some other teachers whose profiles I've viewed.
2022년 11월 7일
This must be a new feature. I got a similar message from a tutor whose profile I had looked at. I'm a native English speaker. I had glanced askance at their profile because they claimed to be an English tutor but had obvious grammatical errors in their community messages.
2022년 11월 7일
I didn’t know that I could see anything like that 😂 If I was a student I wouldn’t like that feature, I’m sorry… 🌈 🤗 Nicky
2022년 11월 7일
^^^ three or four months ago ^^^ :)
2022년 11월 7일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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