Anastasia Urakova
How are these things in squared notebooks called? Cell?
2021년 7월 7일 오전 11:18
답변 · 6
I would say "a square"; for example: "Write your answers in the squares." Maybe the British have a different way of saying it though.
2021년 7월 7일
This kind of notebook has a grid, this grid is made up of many squares (boxes or cells).
2021년 7월 7일
I'm in the US, and would tend to call it graph paper. The pattern of the lines would be called a grid.
2021년 7월 8일
In the US this type of notebook is not common, so we don’t have a standard term. If someone referred to what your asking about as a square, cell, or box, I would understand what he meant.
2021년 7월 7일
2021년 7월 7일
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