Matheus gabriel
In my country we're used to eat bread with butter and a strong coffee. Sometimes we might eat bread with ham and cheese, even a slice of cake or some cookies with coffee and milk. Cereals are common too. We don't eat meat or grains for breakfast too often here. For instance, I've never seen someone eating bacon or beans here for breakfast. It would be weird at least for my family to see that lol
2021년 6월 22일 오전 2:10
교정 · 1
In my country we usually eat bread with butter and a strong coffee. Sometimes we might eat bread with ham and cheese or even a slice of cake or some cookies with coffee and milk. Cereals are common too. We don't eat meat or grains for breakfast too often here. For instance, I've never seen someone eating bacon or beans here for breakfast. It would be weird for my family to see that lol
2021년 6월 22일
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