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Does is make you happy? Listen to new podcast . American English.
SWE 166 - 5 Small things that make me happy
2023년 11월 30일 오후 5:32
댓글 · 2
Harvard University listed 20 things that make people happy and all of them are not related with money, but to be honest, counting money makes me happy. By the way, I felt happy and contented when the smell of wheat from freshly steamed buns made by my grandmother filled the room. Also, I am happy when I run at night, and It is nothing with money.
2023년 12월 1일
Thank you杨爱静, I will look up the Harvard list of 20 things. And I'm sure the smell of grandmothers cooking and act of counting money would make me happy too!
2023년 12월 2일