Jade M.
전문 강사
Here is a new quiz for you!
Choose the correct sentence
There's going to rain tomorrow.
It's going to rain tomorrow.
There will rain tomorrow.
253명 참여함
2024년 9월 5일 오전 10:17
답변 · 2
he correct sentence is: "It's going to rain tomorrow." Explanation: "It's going to rain tomorrow." "It's" is a contraction of "It is," which is appropriately used here to refer to the weather. This sentence clearly and correctly conveys the prediction about rain. "There's going to rain tomorrow." "There's" is a contraction of "There is," which doesn't fit well in this context. A correct alternative using "there" would be: "There is going to be rain tomorrow." "There will rain tomorrow." While grammatically possible, this sentence is awkward and not commonly used. A more natural phrasing would be: "It will rain tomorrow." Summary: "It's going to rain tomorrow." is the most natural and grammatically correct way to express the forecast.
2024년 9월 5일 오후 11:17
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Jade M.
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학습 언어
중국어(북경어), 체코어, 힌디어, 폴란드어, 러시아어, 세르비아어, 우크라이나어