Could anyone please suggest a better to write these sentences? The vast majority of texts was written in Russian, and in this book we offer you their Georgian translations. Georgian texts that were published in various periodicals are presented here in English. Thank you!
2021년 11월 4일 오후 6:06
답변 · 12
Hi Mary, your sentence construction is very good! There was only one error that I could find in your sentences. "Was" should be "were" in the first sentence as the tense you wrote I'm was incorrect, other than that, everything looks good to me! Well done! Therefore, it should look like this: "The vast majority of texts were written in Russian, and in this book we offer you their Georgian translations. Georgian texts that were published in various periodicals are presented here in English."
2021년 11월 4일
As Siri said, you only need to change "was written" to "were written." I would not add "the" to "the Georgian texts..." or anywhere else. The "the" is optional in this situation and I think it sounds better without it.
2021년 11월 4일
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