Learning Article : Read Arabic In 3 Steps

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<a href='/article/618/read-arabic-in-3-steps' target='_blank'>Read Arabic In 3 Steps</a>

Learning how to read Arabic has never been this easy before. Not only will you find the Arabic alphabet provided with romanization here, but also explanations for vowels and additional marks used in the Arabic script.

2015년 12월 16일 오전 12:00
댓글 · 3

مقال ممتاز أستاذ أيمن،، بارك الله فيك.

2015년 12월 16일
I strongly recommend this online course to learn how to read Arabic <a href="https://beelango.com/class/1513087001917x946573966629404700" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">https://beelango.com/class/1513087001917x946573966629404700</a>;

Myself, I learned reading Arabic with the Hebrew version of the same course (safa1.co.il).

2020년 1월 15일
Such useful article.
2016년 2월 21일