Seva 謝老师
전문 강사
The unwanted functions/flaws of the New Version of Italki

I think the new version looks way better, although I do see some flaws in it, which are:
- The pencil button is gone! It allowed to jump directly to posting a question/notebook entry from the quick access bar at the top, now it takes one more click(3 clicks instead of 2)
- The  "Notifications" unwrap dramatically big, dimming the rest of the screen, besides, there are two divisions there now, thus requiring an extra click again.
- The flags and the quick buttons of my selected languages in "Answers/Notebook/Discussions" are gone. Why again? Not only an extra click required, but even a scroll. Oh no.

These three functions were definitely arranged better in the old version. 

As for the rest, so far it's great and beautiful, thanks a lot, Italki!

2016년 1월 27일 오후 3:50
댓글 · 3
Hi, Aegis!
Alright, 574th doesn't make it worse though, does it? :)
Probably the developers will hear us and make proper adjustments, would be awesome..
2016년 1월 27일

Good points, but there are already 573 threads on this.

2016년 1월 27일
where are the instant lessons?
2016년 1월 27일
Seva 謝老师
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중국어(북경어), 영어, 그루지야어, 일본어, 라트비아어, 마케도니아어, 기타, 러시아어, 스페인어
학습 언어
그루지야어, 일본어, 기타