Souza Tiago
General strike

Hi everyone!

Today I learned one new phasal verb ( General Strike ), because I'm was reading news...This topic it's very interesting, because tomorrow will happen the bigger general strike here in Brazil, second the sites of the news. Its will happen because the gorvernament want to reform previdence, and it's will very bad for the workers on Brazil. I think that is many important that the workers fight for your rights, because the Brazil need to change. So it's my little text, and would like someone to correct my sentences, please.


2017년 4월 27일 오후 7:42
댓글 · 1

Hi everyone!

Today I learned one new <font style="background-color: yellow;">term</font>( General Strike ), <font style="background-color: yellow;">while </font>I<strike>'m</strike> was reading <font style="background-color: yellow;">the</font> news...This topic it's very interesting, because tomorrow will <font style="background-color: yellow;">be the </font><font style="background-color: yellow;"><font style="background-color: yellow;">biggest</font> general strike</font> here in Brazil, <font style="background-color: yellow;">second the sites of the news????</font>. It<strike>s</strike> will happen because the gorvernament want to reform previdence (was that providence?), and it's/ <font style="background-color: yellow;">or it will <font style="background-color: yellow;">be</font></font> very bad for the workers in Brazil. I think that <font style="background-color: yellow;">it's</font> very important that the workers fight for <font style="background-color: yellow;">their </font>rights, because <strike>the</strike> Brazil need<font style="background-color: yellow;">s</font> to change. So it's my little text, and would like someone to correct my sentences, please.


Oi Tiago, please note that a phrasal verb is a (verb + preposition) construction: ex: get in , get out , come in, go out....

2017년 4월 28일