Spelling Bee in your country My son just won the spelling bee at his school! It's a really big accomplishment, because English is incredibly hard to spell in. He gets it from his mother by the way, who majored in English at the University. If it wasn't for spell check I would probably misspell 50% of what I typed. Anyway, I'm just wondering if all languages and or countries have spelling bees for their school age children.  Thanks!
2019년 2월 22일 오후 9:30
댓글 · 5
Interesting fact: the word "spelling" doesn't even exist in other languages.
2019년 2월 22일
No. Other languages are just not that hard to spell.
2019년 2월 22일

I doubt that Spanish-speaking countries have spelling contests. What words could they possibly use?

As far as I know, the only spelling errors Spanish speakers make are 1) writing "b" for "v" and vice versa, or 2) forgetting to write a silent "h" at the beginning of a word.

The Spanish for "chrysanthemum" (a famous English spelling-contest word) is "crisantemo."

A beginning Spanish student can read written Spanish aloud accurately, even without understanding any of it!

2019년 2월 23일

In Turkey, there is not such a competition in primary or secondary school. Because pronunciation of Turkish language is very easy and most of the words are pronounced exactly as they are spelled. 

2019년 2월 22일

This is wonderful to have this competition in your country. Unfortunately, we don't have a similar challange in my country.

It is the first time to know about this event and I liked it a lot.

2019년 2월 22일