How the first step goes?

I am learning English,I mean I'm practicing my listening ! Actually I'm not sure if I have ready to talk with my English-speaking friends with MIC,I do not really trust my listening,It's really really hard for me.I don't  how to have my first step on it,any guys or ladies want help me. please leave your message! Thank you!

2008년 9월 20일 오후 2:34
댓글 · 4
hi my friend i have made this website to develop our listening <a href=""></a> u will fina a list(test and develop ur abilities) so press what u want
good luck
2008년 9월 22일

Thank you for your suggestions.Now I am keeping reading everyday.I just think my learning English  career should start with reading. Then practice listening, and chatting with my English-speaking friends!

2008년 9월 22일
my listening is not good.
but i belive you will improve your listening quickly if you try to speak with your english-speaking partner.
fighting! u should have confidence.<img alt="" src="/FCKeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif" />
2008년 9월 22일

you can watch English movies or listening to music.

2008년 9월 21일