Kelime: Hayal
Meaning (Anlamı): Something that is not real, but imagined in the mind.
Synonym (Eş Anlamlısı): Dream, vision.
Example Sentences (Örnek Cümleler):
Çocukluğumda bir yazar olmayı hayal ederdim. (I used to dream of becoming a writer in my childhood.)
Hayallerin peşinden koşmak insanı motive eder. (Chasing dreams motivates people.)
Bir gün dünyayı dolaşmak en büyük hayalim. (Traveling around the world is my biggest dream.)
📌 Note: In Turkish, "hayal" is often used to describe aspirations, ideals, or goals that a person wants to achieve. It can also refer to something unreal or imaginary.
💬 Sizin hayaliniz nedir? (What is your dream?)