Justly Punished There were very much people on the bus for comfort and passengers were standing in the aisle. A young woman carrying a baby was very grateful when an old man offered her his seat. The baby was sound sleep and she could now rest him on her lap. she thanked the very old man and was just going to sit down when a rude young man took the empty seat.
2015년 5월 25일 오후 5:47
교정 · 2
The title suggests that the story continues . .
2015년 5월 25일

Justly Punished

There were very much too many people on the bus for comfort, and passengers were standing in the aisle. A young woman carrying a baby was very grateful when an old man offered her his seat. The baby was sound sleep, and she could now rest him on her lap. She thanked the very old man and was just going to sit down when a rude young man took the empty seat.



2015년 5월 25일
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