Article: Your favourite sport Sport plays a very important role in lives of people. I can't even imagine my life without it. When I was a kid I used to play football, handball, and tennis. There was some time when I played football almost the whole day. Also I liked swimming. Certainly, when people get older they haven’t much time to spend it on sport. But a lot of people find time within non-working time to do sports activity. People run in the evenings or spend their time in fitness-clubs. Some persons decide to spend their life in close touch with sport and become professional sportsmen. This is one of the good ways to do what you love and to receive an excellent salary. Especially, if a sportsman becomes a world star. The importance of sport is clearly understandable. If person doesn't do any sport her health conditions become more and worse. Currently, I go running and to fitness-club every two or three evenings. But for the lifetime football was and, I think will be, my favorite sport. This game is interesting for millions of people around the world. A great number of kids in every country dreams to become a famous footballer and to play at the highest level in a popular club like Barcelona, Manchester United or Milan. I think football is so popular because it doesn't need a lot for playing in it. You should only have a ball, a plain field and four sticks to put them like goals. And also you need people for teams. But actually you can play even when you have only four people. Of course, it's great when you have a professional field, Adidas balls and full teams. When I was younger I had played football professionally in a district and school teams. I enjoyed playing football even when it was so sunny on the streets and so hard to play. We had taken part in various tournaments. But the best memories I have from our games as it called "yard on yard" when boys from the one yard compete with boys from another one. It was incredible! You give everything to the full to win. A very attractive side of football that it doesn't require to play it every day and if a person hasn’t a lot of time it can play it, for example, on weekends. There are a lot of amateur leagues in every big city. Finally, football is not only the game, it's a lifestyle, a brand and it has become so global that you can't find people that doesn't know even one or two famous football clubs or football players.
2015년 7월 11일 오후 3:10
교정 · 4

Article: Your favourite sport

Sport plays a very important role in the lives of people. I can't even imagine my life without it. When I was a kid I used to play football, handball, and tennis. There was some time when I played football almost the whole day. Also, I liked swimming. Certainly, when people get older they don't have much time to spend on a sport. But a lot of people find time within non-working hours to do sports activity. People run in the evenings or spend their time in fitness-clubs.
Some persons decide to spend their life in close touch with sports and become professional sportsmen. I think this is one of the good ways to do what you love and to receive an excellent salary. Especially, if a sportsman becomes a world star.
The importance of sport is clearly understandable. If person doesn't do any form of sport their health conditions become worse and worse.
Currently, I go running and to fitness-club every two or three evenings. But in my lifetime football was and I think will always be, my favorite sport.
This game is interesting for millions of people around the world. A great number of kids in every country dream to become a famous footballer and to play at the highest level in a popular team like Barcelona, Manchester United or Milan.
I think football is so popular because it is such a simple sport. You only need to have a ball, a plain field and four sticks and to put them in goals. And also, you need people for teams. But actually you can play even when you have only four people. Of course on the other hand, it's great when you have a professional field, Adidas balls and full teams.
When I was younger, I had played football professionally in a district and school teams. I enjoyed playing football even when it was too sunny on the streets and when it was hard to play. We had taken part in various tournaments. But the best memories I have from our games as it called "yard on yard" when boys from the one yard compete with boys from another one. It was incredible! You give everything in your might to win!
A very attractive side of football is that it doesn't require a person to play it every day. Also, and if a person doesn't have a lot of time they can play it for example, on weekends. There are a lot of amateur leagues in every big city of the world.
Finally, football is not only a game, it's a lifestyle, a brand and it has become so global that you can't find people that don't know even one or two famous football clubs or football players.

2015년 7월 11일

Article: Your favourite sport

Sport plays a very important role in people lives of.

 I can't even imagine my life without themit.  When I was a kid I used to play football, handball, and tennis. There was some time when I played football almost the all whole day. Also I liked swimming. Certainly, when people get older they haven’t much time to spend it on sport's. But a lot of people find time, on their free time and weekends within non-working time to play do sports activity. People run in the evenings or spend their time in fitness-clubs.
Some people persons decide to spend their life dedicated to in close touch with sport's and become professional's sportsmen. This is one of the good ways to do what you love and to receive an excellent salary. Especially, if a sportsman becomes a world star.
The importance of sport is clearly understandable. If person doesn't do any sport her health conditions become poor more and worse.
Currently, I go running and to fitness-club every two or three evenings. But for the lifetime football was and, I think will be, my favorite sport.
This game is interesting for millions of people around the world. A great number of kids in every country dreams to become a famous footballer and to play at the highest level in a popular club like Barcelona, Manchester United or Milan.
I think football is so popular because it doesn't need a lot for playing in it. You should only have a ball, a plain field and four sticks to put them like goals. And also you need people for teams. But actually you can play even when you have only four people. Of course, it's great when you have a professional field, Adidas balls and full teams.
When I was younger I had played football professionally in a district and school teams. I enjoyed playing football even when it was so sunny on the streets and so hard to play. We had taken part in various tournaments. But the best memories I have from our games as it called "yard on yard" when boys from the one yard compete with boys from another one. It was incredible! You give everything to the full to win.
A very attractive side of football that it doesn't require to play it every day and if a person hasn’t a lot of time it can play it, for example, on weekends. There are a lot of amateur leagues in every big city.
Finally, football is not only the game, it's a lifestyle, a brand and it has become so global that you can't find people that do not doesn't know even one or two famous football clubs or football players.

2015년 7월 11일
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