Volleyball Volleyball Introduction The aim of this report is to describe a hypothethical sport that could be played at school. It is based on personal experience. Main features Volleyball is claimed to be a very complete sport in that it involves most of the body. It is played in a pitch between two groups of 7 members who alternate their roles during the game. Secondly, its objective is making the ball touch the ground of the other team by surpassing the net. Socialisation Secondly, volleyball as a team sport demands collaboration and communication between the players. Therefore it might be worthwhile in order to boost the social relationships among students. In fact the necessity of regular collective training implies precious time spent profitably together in the respect of its rules. What students might appreciate In the last analysis, pupils may appreciate this discipline for different reasons. Above all, stress due to the competion is shared together and doesn't worry only one person. Moreover, inner matches could be organised by the teachers. Conclusion On the whole, Volleyball might represent a considerable option for a school as a result of the combination between physical and social skills. The only disadvantage could be the need to arrange meetings in the afternoon along with the consequent matches. FCE report
2015년 11월 24일 오후 6:37
교정 · 3



The aim of this report is to describe a hypothethical hypothetical sport that could be played at school. It is based on personal experience.

Main features
Volleyball is claimed to be a very complete (complete sounds awkward in this context, try using another word like 'rewarding') sport in the sense that it involves most of the body. It is played in a pitch (what do you mean by pitch?) between two groups of 7 members who alternate their roles during the game. Secondly, Its objective is to make making the ball touch the ground of the opposing teams side  of the other team by also surpassing the net.

Secondly, volleyball as a team sport demands collaboration and communication between the players. Therefore, it might be worthwhile in order to boost the social relationships among students. In fact, the necessity of regular collective training implies precious time spent profitably together in the respect of its rules.

What students might appreciate
In the last analysis, pupils may appreciate this discipline for different reasons. Above all, stress due to the competion competition is shared together and doesn't worry only one person. Moreover, inner matches could be organised by the teachers.

On the whole, Volleyball might represent a considerable option for a school as a result because of the combination between physical and social skills. The only disadvantage could be the need to arrange meetings in the afternoon along with the consequent matches. (By ending it with a reason why volleyball may be bad, your swaying your audience to conclude that volleyball isn't a good option. In future, try to end your conclusion at a point where your audience is in favor of your argument, not in favor of the idea against your opinion. Try to instead add another paragraph that has the argument against your opinion, and counter their points by disproving their own argument. Do not include this paragraph with your conclusion.)

FCE report


<em>Thank you for writing an enjoyable essay, I'm impressed at your english skills! I hope my comments helped you improve in your writing. </em>

<em>Best of luck!</em>

2015년 11월 25일
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