English in my life During studying at university I had a lot of problems with the materials that explained by English , however I graduated from the university as Good degree but after more suffer , I was white withe the English Language unless I couldn't introduce my self by English . then I started to looking for job , first interview was about job in Dubai there was 2 parts first one technical Exam , second one personal interview . the Exam was very good but when the personal interview start that was very shying because I didn't understand and explain any things , I was very frustration after this interview also I stopped to looking for job out side my country .
2015년 12월 1일 오후 2:21
교정 · 3

English in my life


While studying at university, I had a lot of problems with the materials that explained everything in English. Nevertheless, I graduated and received a degree with distinction*. I continued to struggle, however, with the English language and couldn't even introduce myself in English. Then, I started looking for a job. My first interview was for a job in Dubai; it involved a two-part process: first, a technical exam, and second, a personal interview. The exam was very good (or, I did very well on the exam), but when the personal interview started, I felt very shy because I didn't understand and couldn't explain anything. I was very frustrated after this interview. As a result, I stopped looking for a job outside my country.




* I know that you mean جيد here, but I'm trying to think of how we might express this in a way that is culturally relevant for an English speaker. Perhaps we could say that جيد is 'cum laude' or 'with distinction', جيد جدا is 'magna cum laude' or 'with high distinction', and ممتاز is 'summa cum laude' or 'with highest distinction'. Otherwise, if you just say 'good', a reader without any knowledge of your culture or educational system will not understand that this is an official designation of your level of academic achievement.


Very best of luck!

2015년 12월 4일
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