children's birthday Daughters birthday was November 21 and his son on 25 November. We celebrated November 26 at the weekend. It offers a lot of children were among them. I made a lot of delicious food. We gave a lot of balls and a lot of gifts. The children were very excited. The children were so tired that after the holiday fell asleep immediately and slept without waking up in the morning.
2016년 12월 1일 오전 3:19
교정 · 1

Children's birthday

My daughter's birthday was November 21 and my son's was on 25 November. We celebrated November 26 on the weekend. There were a lot of children were at the birthday party. I made a lot of delicious food. We gave a lot of balls and a lot of gifts. The children were very excited. The children were so tired that, after the holiday, they fell asleep immediately and slept without waking up in the morning.
2017년 1월 30일
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