커뮤니티 튜터
Hey everyone! I think my German Textbook has a mistake in its correction because it says the correct form of the verb in the following sentence is "fotografiert". Can anyone tell me if it's actually right? Otto nimmt seinen Fotoapparat mit, weil er gern fotografiert. I thought the correct form was "fotografieren"
2024년 9월 9일 오후 9:21
답변 · 2
PHOTOGRAPHIEREN is the infinitive. If you look up the conjugation: ER PHOTOGRAPHIERT.
2024년 9월 10일 오전 5:19
초대받은 사람
It would also a translation like: He really likes the action of fotographing. Therefore you can't use an infinitive here.
2024년 9월 13일 오전 7:03
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