Dave Nishant
Hello My name is Dave Nishant.I am on intermediate level in english language.Can someone help me in learning english well.
2021년 9월 21일 오전 10:22
답변 · 10
Please don’t use false names or false pictures. You are either Bray or Dave, or more probably neither. You are not Hritik Roshan, the Bollywood actor whose picture you have posted. It gives you a bad reputation, it gives the rest of us a bad reputation and gives the site a bad reputation.
2021년 9월 21일
must write English, not english
2021년 9월 22일
I'd like to practice English with you. Do you have WhatsApp number?
2021년 9월 21일
Hi Bray, I would be happy to help you Improve your English skills. Please have a look at my profile and send me a message.
2021년 9월 21일
I would like to be of help🤗
2021년 9월 21일
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