전문 강사
Many of us have a preferred way of dealing with conflict. However, the way you respond to conflict should depend on the situation. So, take time to consider the situation and decide on the best way of dealing with that conflict. Giving in: You’re probably right. I’m happy to do it your way. Avoiding: I’d prefer not to talk about this now. I’ll leave it to you to decide. Forcing: Let me tell you how this made me feel. This is what I think we should do… Compromising: If I (do this) can you (do this)? I’m happy to agree on (this) if you can (do that). Working together: I’d like to hear your side of things. What do you think is the best way forward? Follow me for more Everyday English.
Managing conflict phrases
2024년 6월 21일 오전 1:15
언어 구사 능력
중국어(북경어), 중국어(광동어), 영어, 일본어, 한국어, 기타, 스페인어, 태국
학습 언어
중국어(북경어), 중국어(광동어), 일본어, 한국어, 기타, 스페인어, 태국