mohammad ezani
Yesterday i ate a bowl of jappanese noodle which was exquisitely flavoured with some healthy ingredients, I also love to use chopstick instead of knife and fork when i’m eating , So it was a nice experiencing of this food
2022년 2월 16일 오전 1:59
교정 · 2
초대받은 사람
Yesterday I ate a bowl of Japanese noodles which was exquisitely flavoured with some healthy ingredients, I also love to use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork when I’m eating, so it was a nice experience with this food/it was nice to try this food.
2022년 2월 16일
초대받은 사람
Yesterday I ate a bowl of japanese noodle which was exquisitely flavoured with some healthy ingredients. I also love to use chopsticks instead of a knife and a fork when I’m eating, so it was nice experiencing this food.
2022년 2월 16일
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