Muhammad Nabil
What does (with metal on metal posing as brakes) Means In this context ??? - You know what I was thinking about this morning? That first time we drove up to see your folks. As I recall, I was driving my '83 Volvo with metal on metal posing as brakes, a passenger side door that wouldn't open. - My God. That car was a deathtrap.
2024년 11월 12일 오후 4:09
답변 · 5
It means the brakes on the car were either of a very simple & crude design, or had parts missing. Because they consisted only of metal touching metal. No brake pads.
2024년 11월 12일 오후 6:57
In this context, "with metal on metal posing as brakes" describes a car in poor condition, particularly its brakes. This phrase suggests that the brakes were so worn out that they no longer had proper brake pads, resulting in bare metal parts grinding against each other. This creates a loud, harsh sound and is very unsafe, as it severely reduces braking ability. The "posing as brakes" part adds humor, implying the brakes are failing at their job yet still pretending to function. It reinforces the idea of the car being old and unreliable, a “deathtrap.”
2024년 11월 13일 오전 2:15
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