2023년 12월 25일 오후 11:23
교정 · 3
最も良いダイエットは正しい食事とエクササイズです。体重を落とすだけならご飯を食べなければいいですが、それでは不健康な見た目になってしまい、美しくありません。それに、すぐにリバウンドしてしまうでしょう。 ①1日に体重×2g(体重が60kgなら120g)のタンパク質を摂る ②脂質を控える(1日50gくらい) ③炭水化物はパスタやオートミールを摂取 ④空腹時に有酸素運動をする ⑤筋トレをする これで必ず美しく痩せられます The best diet is a combination of proper eating and exercise. If your goal is only to lose weight, you might think of not eating at all, but this can lead to an unhealthy and unattractive appearance. Plus, you'll likely rebound quickly 1. Consume protein equivalent to twice your body weight in grams (e.g., 120g for someone weighing 60kg). 2. Limit fats to about 50g per day. 3. Get carbohydrates from sources like pasta and oatmeal. 4. Do aerobic exercises when hungry. 5. Engage in strength training. By following these steps, you can lose weight beautifully))
2023년 12월 26일
초대받은 사람
知っている必要があります→知りたいです の方が、私的に自然だと思います!がんばって!
2023년 12월 31일
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