Gonzalo Madrid
전문 강사
Attention Spanish/English bilingual Italkers, I wonder what the saying "Don't put your money where your mouth is" means. Does anyone know an equivalent saying in Spanish? Gracias!
2024년 10월 31일 오후 2:38
답변 · 6
I'm not sure about the Spanish equivalent, but the English expression wouldn't usually be negative - it should be 'Put your money where your mouth is'. Which means actually do the thing you've been talking about doing. I suppose it's similar in meaning to 'actions speak louder than words'.
2024년 10월 31일 오후 2:57
predica con el ejemplo.... "Put your money where your mouth is"
2024년 11월 1일 오전 12:14
2024년 10월 31일 오후 5:12
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