Sasha 大萨沙
Hello, community! As we all know, the word "faculty" means "the staff of the university or collage", and "department" or "school" mean "a section of a university". But many people, especially here in Eastern Europe still call "a section of a university" a faculty because of calque. Is it possible to call this section as "faculty" in general in native English world? I will appreciate your work!
2024년 11월 1일 오후 3:54
답변 · 11
Your understanding is correct for the US. ‘Faculty’ is most often used to described the staff, usually the teaching and administrative staff. In some cases it could be used to differentiate from other employees. For example: ‘He’s on the faculty’ would suggest that he has an academic job. ‘Faculty’ is not used to describe a department (or ‘college’ or ‘school’) in general American English but might still exist as part of the technical vocabulary within a university.
2024년 11월 2일
In British universities, faculties are departments, not staff. I've never heard of faculty referring to staff. But if you say "head of faculty" that can be a staff member, ie, the head of a department.
2024년 11월 1일
Here in England we also use faculty to describe a division within a university comprising one subject area. Faculty of English, Faculty of Medicines, Faculty of Social Studies etc.
2024년 11월 1일
Hello! You’re absolutely right about the confusion—this is common in many non-English-speaking countries, where "faculty" can mean a department or section within a university. In English-speaking countries, however, faculty typically refers to the academic staff as a whole (professors, lecturers, and researchers). To describe a specific section within a university (e.g., the part dedicated to a certain field, like Engineering or Humanities), native English speakers usually say "department" or "school" (as in "Department of Biology" or "School of Law"). In short, it’s better to avoid using "faculty" to describe a section or division within the university when speaking English, as it could lead to misunderstanding. Instead, sticking with "department" or "school" will make it clearer. Hope this helps, and good luck with your studies!
2024년 11월 2일
Both uses are accepted in the U.S. What is "calque"?
2024년 11월 1일
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