what difference between "Do you saw?" and "Did you see?" and similar proposals? possibly this question is stupid, but i finished my college and i cant ask my teacher. thank you.
2011년 5월 13일 오후 6:08
답변 · 7
is "You saw her breast, did you?" grammatically correct? does" did you saw her breast" mean that you cut her breast with a saw?
2019년 9월 4일
I was watching the famous TV show called Friends when the character Ross did this question: "did you saw her breast". So I just thought that question too strange and then I came here to check, but I am sure Ross was totally wrong when he asked like that, the correct would be "did you see her breast?". Check out: Friends, season 9 Episode 01 - The One Where No One Proposes.
2013년 8월 17일
thank you for you help. When i ask this question i mean "saw" as "see" in past. And now I understand that it is grammatically incorrect. Another thank you.
2011년 5월 14일
I think"do you saw"ain't a right should be"did you see?"
2011년 5월 14일
Saw has two different meanings... one is the past tense of the verb "to see" and the other one is a noun meaning a tool. However that noun became the verb to describe the action of the tool. Robert is correct in saying "Did you saw" is grammatically incorrect. However, "Did you saw it?" is correct as "saw" can only mean one thing - the action of sawing. Because of the rules of English grammar, the sentence is not ambiguous. It would be clearer if it had been, "Did you saw the piece of wood". However in other cases the sentence is ambiguous. For example, "The Queen threw a ball". Did you really throw a ball (a toy) or a party?. Therefore only the context can infer the correct meaning. But if you know that the Queen never touches the toy ball, you can deduce it must be a party. This is one of the reason that computers of today cannot "understand" the meaning of sentences. It would take enormous amounts of memory to store context information and experience that today's computer are not capable of having.
2011년 5월 13일
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