What does "notice period" mean in Business English? What does "notice period" mean in Business English?
2011년 5월 18일 오전 9:39
답변 · 2
Notice period = the amount of time (notice) that you give to your present employer if you want to leave your job. The notice period required is normally stated on you contract of employment signed when you start.
2011년 5월 18일
It is the amount of time (ie. warning) an employer should give an employee when informing them of the termination of their employment. It also works in reverse, ie. the amount of time an employee should give the employer between declaring that they will leave their job, and leaving their job. This is usually a period of two to four weeks weeks. Of course, there are circumstances where the employment could be finished or terminated immediately (eg. criminal act), which are usually outlined in the employment contract.
2011년 5월 18일
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