Question about ' too close to home.' Susan dicovered something.... TOO CLOSE TO HOME. Could you explain me the meaning of 'too close to home'? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your time and answer in advance.
2011년 6월 13일 오후 1:47
답변 · 7
'close to home or too close to home' is an idiomatic expression which dates back to the 1800s. It is used to describe something which is too personal (has a direct personal effect on you) or something about which you are sensitive/ which affects your feelings or interests. The noun 'home' means the heart of something. 'Films about the war are too close to home for me. Many members of my family were killed in the war.' We also say 'hit close to home' So you could rewrite your sentence to say 'Susan discovered something which affected her intimately or which she felt very sensitive about.'
2011년 6월 13일
usually means you discover something that is involved closely in your life.. for example: Mary realised that her husband was quickly becoming an alcoholic. Being a reformed alcholic herself, this was a little to close to home for her liking, and she needed to address the situation. Hope that helps... cheers
2011년 6월 13일
집 에서 가 아주 가 까 운 곳~~~ I think so~
2011년 6월 13일
It means "too real, or too honest", = "hits too close to home", for example: CA - CSI: Miami: Dr. Alexx Woods (Khandi Alexander) -- the team's medical examiner who quit when a murder case hit a bit too close to home(i.e. is too real). hope it will a bit of help~^^
2011년 6월 14일
You're much too close to it. = 자네는 그 사건에 너무 깊이 연루되어 있네.
2011년 6월 13일
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