What's the difference between "In lieu of - Instead of - In place of"? What's the difference between "In lieu of - Instead of - In place of"? And if there's anyother which means the same idea, please tell me.
2011년 7월 21일 오전 5:09
답변 · 5
'Lieu' is French. It might be in the English dictionary, too, but I know that at least in American English, 'lieu' is not used. You can either say 'in place of' or 'instead of'. They mean the same thing. There are no differences, but 'instead of' is more common.
2011년 7월 21일
You will hear "In lieu of" used frequently by newscasters, journalists, politicians and administrators etc. anytime someone wants to sound cultured and well educated. Here's a joke: "In lieu of" is used in place of instead of.
2011년 7월 22일
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