What is the meaning of "harbor ill feeling"? How to use it speaking or writing? I looked it up in dictionaries but wasn't able to find any definition or explanation about it. I am wondering if it is commonly used in modern English.
2011년 7월 22일 오전 5:31
답변 · 6
Think of how a harbor contains/holds/shelters boats. The noun "harbor" and the verb harbor both imply holding or containg in this case "harbor" is used as a verb "harbor ill feelings" means "to keep bad emotions towards another" in a word: resentment Ex: I've harbored ill feeling towards my neighbor ever since he chopped down my cherry tree.
2011년 7월 22일
A negative feeling. Some wifes have HARBOR ILL FEELING to the parents of their husbands.
2011년 7월 22일
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