Which One Is Correct?? Which Is Correct?? "I got hurt" or... "I got hurted"
2011년 8월 22일 오전 1:34
답변 · 9
i got hurt.or i hurt.(hurt can be a vt.or a adj.) there are not" hurted".
2011년 8월 22일
-"I got hurt". Here got is a link verb,We know subject-link verb-predicative is one of the basic sentence structures.Also we should know adjective and nouns can act as predicative.So here hurt is an adject instead of verb."Hurted" is verb in past tense of "hurt",while it can't ornament the subject"I". If you still cant understand ,dont hesitate to ask me.Hope I can help you more or less.:)
2011년 8월 22일
I got hurt, "hurted" is not a word.
2011년 8월 22일
"I got hurt", I think.
2011년 8월 22일
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