Jessica Kim
How to say "学长,学姐,学弟,学妹" in English? How to say someone who shares the same major as me but is senior / junior to me in English? We have specific names in Chinese, but there aren't any specific names to call them in the English dictionary. So, how do you call them?
2011년 9월 7일 오전 1:21
답변 · 3
We don't have these words in English. If you like, you can say: senior schoolmate junior schoolmate But I don't suggest using these words at all. If you must describe someone then you don't compare him to yourself. You just say he is 1st year, 2nd year, etc.
2011년 9월 7일
You could also say something like "one of the first year bio-chem students" or "one of the graduating pre-med students".
2011년 9월 7일
You just said it. senior/junior/fresh/soph.
2011년 9월 7일
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