我想要洗这些照片,用英文怎么说: I want to develop these photos. Or I'd like to develop these photos. Or I'd like develop these photos. Which is right? please correct it
2011년 9월 14일 오후 2:12
답변 · 5
You could say "I want to develop these photos" or "I'd like to develop these photos", not "I'd like develop these photos".
2011년 9월 14일
All of them are wrong. I'd like to have these photos developed. You're not developing them yourself, are you?
2011년 9월 15일
Randy is correct. Michael's answer is a little bit less politeness. Apart from what you said, alternatively. you can say: Could you help me to develop these photos please?
2011년 9월 14일
I want to develop these photos.
2011년 9월 14일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!