это я
whats the difference between informatics and computer science?
2011년 9월 16일 오전 7:54
답변 · 3
Computer Science is a science, that covers many theoretical aspects related to mathematical algorithms (clearly defined methods), and also to the knowledge related to the real computing devices (computers or processor). Informatics is a science or technology that has a narrower field of study: the algorithms, processes and automated systems that store, retrieve and communicate information. There are broad regions of overlapping in the two fields.
2011년 9월 16일
From my experiences, "informatics" is more related to " electronic communication" and sure it cannot work well without computer knowledge. " Computer Science " is more related to hardware developping and sofeware programming, and informatics is an important utilization of computer science.
2011년 9월 16일
Basically "Informatics" and "Computer Science" are the same thing. In native English, the field is called "Computer Science", while in Spanish-influenced or French-influenced English, it might be called "Informatics", because "computer science" is "informática" and "informatique" respectively in those languages. As to the difference between informatics/computer science and informatics/computer science engineering, I can't say for sure, but I suspect that the first has a more theoretical emphasis, while the second concentrates more on practical engineering-type applications. Maybe someone else can correct or elaborate on this.
2011년 9월 16일
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