"돼요" is correct, and it's short for "되어요"^^/
If you just remember that "돼" is the contraction of "되어", you won't be wrong.^^/
Here are some more.
되다(the base form) / 돼다(X)
되고(O) / 돼고(X) = 되어고??(doesn't make sense)
되어(O) / 돼어(X) = 되어어??(doesn't make sense)
되니(O) / 돼니(X) = 되어니??(doesn't make sense)
될 것이다(O) / 됄 것이다(X)
되서(X) / 돼서(O) = 되어서(makes sense)
되야(X) / 돼야(O) = 되어야(makes sense)
됬다(X) / 됐다(O) = 되었다
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