don't be mean,,,, what does it mean?
2011년 11월 6일 오후 5:05
답변 · 4
If you say "don't be mean" to someone that means, don't be nasty or unkind or rude. For example, If someone said to me," I think X is ugly and he can't dance". I would say "Don't be mean!" As someone pointed out it can also mean to be tightfisted with money, but most commonly it means unkind.
2011년 11월 6일
Mean as an adjective means a person who does not like to give things or to spend money ,it is opposite generous,so don't be mean ,means don't be like that person
2011년 11월 6일
I think it means don't be hateful.
2011년 11월 6일
Do not be rude (hurtfull)
2011년 11월 6일
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