What is difference between 买 and 买到?
2011년 12월 6일 오후 1:04
답변 · 9
"买" stress a process."买到"sress a result
2011년 12월 6일
买 i wanto to buy----- or maybe i am buying 买了 i have bought== i got it
2011년 12월 8일
到, meaning to "arrive" placed after a verb shows the ending result of an action. e.g. 找 - to look for something 找到 - to have found [something] 看-to see 看到 - have seen 买 - to buy/purchase 买到- has bought 我在找一本书- I'm looking for a book. 我找的书找到了- I found the book I was looking for.
2011년 12월 7일
2011년 12월 7일
买means "buy". 我打算买一本书./I am going to buy a book. 买到means you have already got sth. 我买到那本书了!I‘ve got that book! / I've bought that book! 我已经买了那本书. I‘ve (already) bought that book. when you use"买到",it seems like the thing you bought is not so eazy to get. 太好了,我终于买到那本书了!Couldn't be better,I got the book at last ! 买到那本书了吗?Have you got that book?
2011년 12월 6일
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