What does "over+a period of time" mean? eg: "over 10 years" and "over past 10 years" thanks!
2011년 12월 13일 오후 1:37
답변 · 5
[action] over a period of time. Means that during the time you do [action]. example : I was teaching over a period of 10 years.
2011년 12월 13일
As the previous answers indicate, ''over" preceding a time refernce, has the same meaning as ''during." A common English idiom is "over the years.'' 示例: He's changed a lot over the years. (= during many years)
2011년 12월 13일
during a continuous 10 year period - often they will say "Over a 10 year period from 1976 . . . . . . " or "We got to know each other over a period of 10 years."
2011년 12월 13일
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