at a pinch = in a pinch ??? I want to know if the meaning of at a pinch is same as in a pinch ?? Do they all mean by "if necessary " ? Which one are common one used in spoken English ? Could you provide me the sample sentence for reference ? Thank you.
2011년 12월 20일 오전 10:07
답변 · 7
at a pinch (British & Australian) also in a pinch (American) -if something can be done at a pinch, it is possible in an urgent situation but it is difficult. Example, Will's car can take four people comfortably, five at a pinch.
2011년 12월 20일
I don't think anyone says "at a pinch". The phrase "in a pinch" describes a remedy taken in a difficult situation. "The rain came unexpectedly, so in a pinch we used trash bags to keep dry".
2011년 12월 20일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!