啦, 吧, 囉, 齁, 咩, 唷, 喔, 啊, 咧, 呀, 哦, 嘍, 吶, 囖, 耶, 欸, 嘞, 嘛 sentence-final particles There is a big number of sentence-final particles I've noticed while watching some TV-shows on tudou and wandering around the internet^_^. I've noted quite a lot of them. Some of them are really rare, whereas some of them are after every single sentence (like 啦,吧,啊). I think I understand 吧 though... Dictionaries are useless most of the time... Because when I tried to look for the definition for 啦 it showed something like : "1) exclamation la... 2) particle..." oh great.. ahahahaha.. or 嘛 : "ma (a modal particle)"... oh.. just great... it still doesn't mean anything to me.. I realise that many of these particles are very colloquial or regional. hmm.. It seems that some of them may not mean something in particular, but rather express some kind of mood. But still it would be nice to find a descent explanation. Could you enlighten me, please? 啦 吧 囉 齁 咩 唷 喔 啊 咧 呀 哦 嘍 吶 囖 耶 欸 嘞 嘛
2011년 12월 20일 오후 10:00
답변 · 3
2012년 4월 12일
Well, I think most of the particle just words and mean nothing. The talk will not be so formal, If there is particle ( like 啦,哦,呀, 呐) in the end of the sentece. Some talker think these words make them cute(Just the talking information). I believe it is impossible to get a decent explanation, the only way is to practice and listen more. Good lucky
2011년 12월 21일
Well, if you've seen them on TV, I suggest you note them down and the context they appear in. That should explain them very well. That together with the dictionary explanation should give you a very good idea of their use.
2011년 12월 20일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!