真的和实在有什么区别?真的实在的意思是really really 还是really honestly? 真的和实在有什么区别?真的实在的意思是really really 还是really honestly?
2011년 12월 26일 오후 12:37
답변 · 15
那个人 实在/真的 太好了! That man is really kind! (This sentence shows that you like that man very much) 你 实在/真的 太讨厌了! You are really boring/annoying. 说实在的/说真的,我很讨厌你。 To be honest/to tell you the truth,I really hate you. 说实在的/说真的,那件衣服不好看。To be honest,that dress looks not good. 我真的很喜欢你! I really like you. 我实在很喜欢你! (use this one when you think that you really know me well.) 我 实在/真的 太喜欢你了!/ 我爱死你了! I simply love you to death.(sort of means that you can not help falling in love with me.) 我 实在/真的 受不了!I really can't stand it any more ! 你是实在的人!You are a realistic man! or You are a down to earth man. (here 真的can not be instead of 实在,you wouldn't say 你是个真的人,which would sound very strange.) You can understand these Chinese words just by the useful sentences they are in.No need to use the dictionary too much. Hope this helps!
2011년 12월 26일
"实在" can be an adj, means honest, 他是个实在的人(he is an honest man), and "实在" also can be used as an adv, "really",我实在抱歉(I am really sorry). “真” is used widely as an adj, means real,ture, veritable or even original...这是真的,不是赝品(it is original,not an imitation), 这件事是真的(this is true). "真" is similar to "实在" in adv,我真抱歉(我实在抱歉)真地 我真的实在很抱歉(I am really really sorry),both are adv 他是真的实在(he is really honest), 真is adv,实在 is adj,
2011년 12월 26일
2011년 12월 26일
实在 about = at all/meekly i cannot believe it at all(我实在无法相信那个) 他人很实在(he is meekly)
2011년 12월 26일
“真的”can be a mood word, it is used to stress something is really good or bad, or express something is really exists, it can also be a adjective, opposite to fake. “实在”can be used to describe one's quality, means honest, it can be used as mood word to stress something too. when stressing, you can use both of them.
2011년 12월 29일
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