"That's all from me." and "That's it for me." When do you say them? They have the same meaning?
2012년 1월 14일 오후 11:00
답변 · 6
"That's all from me." = I have nothing else to give you. No more money, no more news, no more donations, etc. I wish I could give you more. "That's it for me." = I'm stopping right here! I quit! There's no way I'm continuing. I am broke (I have no more money). I am really, really tired. I hate you! (But not you, Nozturk. Ha, ha!)
2012년 1월 15일
"That's all from me" is spoken "that's all for me". And Adam is right on. It's usually spoken by a guy when he's involved in some competitive activity (maybe sports) and he gives up. The more common version (at least what I say and hear) is "I'm done".
2012년 1월 14일
"That's all from me." = I will not say another word about the situation. "That's it for me."= I have had enough/I am going home/I have had enough to eat, drink etc
2012년 1월 14일
You say both of those when you're done doing something, usually stressful or strenuous. For example, if you are playing cards and lose one game after another, you say "that's it for me!"
2012년 1월 14일
If I am taking part of a video conference (very common nowadays!) and I want to say that I have finish with my report of activities, may I said "that's all from my side"? or that's all for my side? Many thanks.
2020년 4월 29일
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