what "you’re wound awfully tight" means? A sentence from the TV series the big bang theory,here is some information to catch you up.Leonard just had sex with Lesley.The next morning, he ran into his neighbor Penny,who he has a big crush on since she moved in.Then penny asked something about last nigth he and Lesley,which makes him feel very embarrassing,so he pushed his roommate Sheldon to prepare fast to leave.Then Sheldon gave him the sentence"Boy, you’re wound awfully tight for a man who just had sexual intercourse.“and that's where my question comes from.please expain me the meaning of "you’re wound awfully tight".and is wound here the past tense of wind? thank you ~O(∩_∩)O~
2012년 3월 11일 오전 6:51
답변 · 14
"you’re wound awfully tight = stressed. Not relaxed.
2012년 3월 11일
Sex releases chemicals in to the brain that make a person relax, well orgasms do, I'm not 100% sure if sex without orgasms does. So, if someone had sex and he was still stressed and nervous it would seem strange. And yes, "wound" is the past tense of wind. The saying - or idiom? Comes from when we used to have toys that had a spring inside, and you had to, "wind it up" to make it work, people would say you, "were really wound up" if you were stressed and nervous or really angry about something, or as we say here, "I'm going to wind him up, watch this!!! John! The boss says he wants you to work until 12 every night for a month!!!!" - John says, "WHAT!!! I start at 06:00 all ready!!! I HATE THIS COMPANY! THIS STUPID JOB!!!" - and we all laugh because it's not true, we just wound him up hahahaha Ahhh what a whimsical way to start the day, a Chinese girl asking me what awfully tight meant...... :D
2012년 3월 11일
Wound is the past tense of wind (as in to wind the clock). And "to be wound up tight" generally means the person is very tense or stressing/stressed out.
2012년 3월 11일
hi there ! you are all wrong ! in that scene that word meaning is nearly : informed conscious deliberate lucid consciously mindful well-informed calculated realized conscientious
2023년 6월 1일
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