What's the difference between begitu/jadi/supaya? When you type in the dictionary "begitu" "jadi" or "supaya" they all mean "so", but what is the difference in context? Are there any rules? Which one do you use most commonly? Please feel free to respond in Indonesian :)
2012년 3월 12일 오전 6:44
답변 · 9
1. Supaya. Supaya is a conjunctive, it means "So that..." It always be followed by a reason or statement that supports the main sentence. Example: - Dia giat belajar untuk ujian akhir, supaya mendapat nilai bagus. - He studied hard for the final exams, so that he would get good marks. The synonym of supaya is "agar". You can substitute supaya to agar freely (no special rules). 2. Jadi. As a conjuntive, jadi means "So" Example: - Kami tidak membawa cukup uang saat itu, jadi kami tidak bisa membeli anak anjing kecil yang lucu itu. - We didn't bring enough money back then, so we couldn't buy those cute little puppies. Synonym of jadi (as a conjunctive) is "Sehingga". You can substitute jadi to sehingga freely (no special rules). As a verb, Jadi (or menjadi) means "become" Example: - Setelah minum segelas susu, bayi itu jadi diam. - After drinking a bottle of milk, the baby became silent. 3. Begitu has so many meanings depends on the context. As a adjective, it means "Such". Example: - Saya belum pernah melihat gadis yang begitu cantiknya. - I've never seen such a beautiful girl. As an adverb, it means "So" or "Very" Example: - Dia begitu tampan dan sangat menarik. - He's so handsome and very attractive. Synonym of begitu (as an adverb) is "Sangat". You can substitute begitu to sangat freely (no special rules). Begitu also means "like that" or "that way". Example: - Apa benar begitu? - Is it really like that? As an interjection, it means "I see..." Example: - Jadi, dia sudah tahu? Begitu ya... - So, he already knew? I see...
2012년 3월 12일
sehingga show what is intended jadi show you what to do next supaya used to express the benefits of anything done
2012년 3월 13일
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2013년 4월 11일
Hmmm,, I was puzzled how to explain it to you ... I come from Indonesia :))) Well, so the word 'begitu' "is typically used to respond to a new thing we know ... The word "jadi" is usually used at the beginning of a sentence to emphasize a subject that we want to talk about. For example ---> Jadi, sekarang jumlahnya ada 30 buah. The word "order" is used in a sentence that states a causal relationship. For example --> Supaya kamu pintar, maka kamu harus belajar dengan tekun. A few of my explanation, may be able to help you. #This is a translation
2012년 3월 28일
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